
Showing posts with the label groovy

Groovy - What is Memoization?

Memoization (a.k.a tabling) is a technique in programming where the result of a function call is stored in cache and when the function is subsequently called with the same parameters, the result is returned from the cache instead of executing the function again.

Groovy - How to read and write to excel sheets with Groovy?

Scriptom provides a simple COM library for Groovy. It is a Groovy wrapper around JACOB (Java COM Bridge) which provides access to COM Automation components. Scriptom can be used to work with MS Office tools, Internet Explorer or any other Microsoft Windows COM based components. In this article, you will use Scriptom to read and write to excel files.

Groovy - How to Execute Groovy Scripts in Sublime Text?

This article covers the steps to setup Sublime Text to execute Groovy scripts.

How to Read Files in Groovy?

This article shows various ways of reading a text file in groovy.