
Spring - Initializing a Spring Bean

It is often required to run some custom code on initialization of a Spring bean. e.g. to check for mandatory properties or establish initial connections. Spring provides a few constructs to initialize the beans after they are injected with the properties.

Groovy - How to Execute Groovy Scripts in Sublime Text?

This article covers the steps to setup Sublime Text to execute Groovy scripts.

How to Read Files in Groovy?

This article shows various ways of reading a text file in groovy.

How to Create Web Notifications

Web Notifications provide ways for websites to display notifications to users e.g. alerting the user about a business event or success/failure of an asynchronous operation.

Spring - Lookup Method or Method Injection

Most common injection mechanisms used in Spring are Constructor and Property injections. In both the mechanisms, the injection happens only once during the initialization of the Bean. They also require a concrete method defined, e.g., a constructor method for constructor injections and a setter method for property injection.

How to Create Custom Namespaces and Handlers in Spring

Custom namespaces in spring are a way to replace the complex bean definitions with a more user-friendly configuration. Spring itself provides several namespaces out of the box. e.g.

Localization with Spring

Localization enables applications to cater to users of different locations and languages. Spring, as usual, has support for this aspect as well. Before jumping into what Spring has to offer, let's explore what we get from Java itself.